He Di 8 billion yuan joint loan case signed


Author: Zhongli International

Number of page views: 1369

In February 2024, the joint credit project of HeDI with a three-year term of NT $8 billion was signed by Mega Bank, which was organized and acted as the quota management bank。Including, Mega Bank, Japanese Mizuho Bank, Taiwan Corporate Bank, Singapore commercial OCBC Bank, Shanghai Commercial Bank and Chang Hwa Bank jointly participated, and the scale of participation exceeded expectations 1.4 times, and finally signed the contract with the upper limit of NT $8 billion, which shows the strong support of the banking group for Hedi and the deep confidence in its future development。

Zhongli International Relations Enterprise Hedi Co., Ltd. was established in 1987,Mainly engaged in such as mobile cranes, excavators and other equipment and equipment such as installment sales, financing, leasing and accounts receivable transfer business,Deep cultivation and construction of industry success,30 November 2023 Fitch Ratings gives Taiwan long-term A+ rating (twn),The long-term rating outlook is stable,Strong growth momentum,Sound business strategy。


Zhongli International's parent company, Zhongzhu Holdings, recorded revenue of NT $975 in 2023.2.5 billion yuan, an annual increase of 12.61%, indicating strong business momentum。China Leasing Holdings持续深耕中国台湾业务、扩张东盟利基市场,中国台湾地区、中国大陆及东盟地区等三大市场目前共有133处营运据点,今年规划持续增设营运据点,以扩大服务客户。

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